
In an effort to bridge the gap between learning analytics (LA) and learning design this method presents a multidisciplinary perspective on the design of learning activities. 

In an effort to bridge the gap between learning analytics (LA) and learning design this workshop presents a multidisciplinary perspective on the design of learning activities. The serious (board) game used in the workshop demonstrates opportunities to create awareness, use the game as a design tool, and design learning activities with LA in mind. Workshop results are added to a knowledge community where a collection is made of used connections between learning-enhancing technologies and LA, and of used examples of what teachers and students want to know from learning activities and how they register it in practice.

Codesign of Learning Activities


Ignite your Fellowship session

Using a session to get to know each other and each others background and language in education, educational design, technology enhanced learning.

Create as a Fellowship Session

A single session of codesign of a Learning Analytics supported Learning Activity with your fellowship, hosted by our Game Master.

Become master of Fellowship Sessions

Two sessions to train a Game Master to be able to enable codesign of a Learning Analytics supported Learning Activity.

Four Forces of the Fellowship Sessions

  1. Analysis of pedagogy/educational vision. (Customize Purple cards)
  2. Analysis of present Technology Enhanced Learning. (Customize Red Cards)
  3. Analysis of ideas/examples of how Learning Analytics is used. (Customize Yellow Cards)
  4. Make Learning Activities with your own cards.

By doing these four workshops a customized game is created based on your organisation. All these forces can be done individual. For the full experience of FoLA2, within your setting this is the ideal pathway to create a codesign method for learning analytics supported learning design. If you do all four forces the become a master of the Fellowship automatically is included.